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Common Symptoms Of Stress Could Be Related To Your Hormones May 19, 2022

By Jennifer Engels, MD

Women dealing with weight gain, anxiety, lack of sleep and other woes related to the stress of the pandemic may not realize that the root cause may be a hormone imbalance.

The stress of the COVID-19 pandemic took a toll on everyone, including women, who juggled work from...

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Visceral Fat – The Unseen Threat May 16, 2022

By Jennifer Engels, MD

When it comes to your body and fat, you may think fat is fat, but that’s not true. Our bodies produce two kinds of fat, subcutaneous fat and visceral fat, and there is a substantial difference between the two.

  • Subcutaneous fat – This is the type of fat...
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Aging and the Loss of Muscle Mass May 05, 2022

By Jennifer Engels, MD

First, the bad news. Age-related muscle loss – medically known as sarcopenia – affects us all. After age 30, you begin to lose muscle mass at the rate of about three to eight percent per decade, which equates to losing about five to seven pounds of muscle tissue...

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Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy: The Benefits Outweigh the Risks Mar 23, 2022

By Jennifer Engels, MD

For many years, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was used to treat the symptoms of women going through menopause. Unfortunately, a large element of uncertainty was injected into the use of this therapy by the government-funded Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) in 2002....

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Women’s Heart Health – A Cause for Serious Concern Feb 07, 2022

By Jennifer Engels, MD

Before discussing the threat that heart disease poses for women, it would be helpful to point out the enormous amount of work our heart does for each of us. On average, your heart beats 100,000 times every day and more than 35 million times every year. Each and every hour...

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A Functional Medicine Guide to Adrenal Fatigue Jan 25, 2022

By Jennifer Engels, MD

Do you frequently feel fatigued, crave salty or sugary foods, have trouble losing weight despite dieting and exercise, have little to no sex drive, and find your energy crashing in the afternoon? Regrettably, individuals suffering from symptoms like these often dismiss...

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A new focus, a new path forward

“I was absolutely fascinated,” Engels says, “by this new style of medicine that saw the patient as a whole biological system rather focusing on only one organ system at a time, such as Cardiology. This was a complete paradigm shift from conventional medicine and how I was trained.”